Our Learning Curriculum

Emergent Curriculum

At Perry House we believe that children are naturally curious, capable, hands on learners.  Children learn best when they are interested in a particular topic, something that is personally meaningful to them.  Our staff will build upon each interest and together with the children embark on a journey filled with inquisition and investigation.  The staff will extend each child’s learning by providing them the opportunity to explore with many different mediums, encouraging the use of all their five senses. Emergent curriculum is about process not product.  It is always evolving, open ended and responsive to children.

Social interactions between the staff and child is an essential part of the emergent curriculum.  It is a way of giving each child our respect, a sense of value and belief that their ideas are important.  The staff will observe the children during their experiences and document their findings through multiple ways; photos and written story boards, individual progress reports/ portfolios and displaying children’s own work with narratives.
We want children to be able to question their discoveries, think about their experiences and become problem solvers through their play!  The emergent curriculum philosophy supports this type of learning. We believe it’s the most beneficial approach to learning and enhancing the children’s areas of development.
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years is a professional learning resource guide about learning through relationships for those working with young children and families.  This supportive document is the foundation of our philosophy and practice at Perry House Child Care Services.

The following links will provide you with further insight to research about how children learn and they ways we approach our curriculum. (PDF)

How Does Learning Happen? Ontario’s Pedagogy for the Early Years

Think, feel, act: lessons from research about young children | ontario.ca

Microsoft Word – ENG Early Learning for Every ChildJ June.doc (uoguelph.ca)

Curriculum and Resources (gov.on.ca)